Turfgrass Sod Wholesale Provider
Austin | San Antonio | Houston | Dallas 

We have over 700 acres of nutrient rich land producing


We have over 700 acres of nutrient rich land producing
St. Augustine | Common Bermuda | Tiffway | Palisades

About Sliva Turf Farms

Sliva Turf Farms was founded in 1978 and specializes in providing quality and specialty grasses to larger volume customers in the State of Texas and beyond.

We focus our atttention and devote our resources to developing a few select quality grasses, while avoiding the "flavor of the month". Our specialties include Bermuda, St. Augustine, Raleigh, Tiffway, Centipede and Zoysia. Mixed Tiff and St.Augustine are also available.

Let us be your full-time provider, with dependable service and friendly people.
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